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fig(i) She is not Megan Fox
Last few days I have been going through experiencing lots of "engineereed emotions" of life.My last few days in engineering and I am not happy.Rather I have been passing my time rejoicing at those beautiful moments which made my life so worthy.
I gonna miss so many things, so many fun.
Those xerox copies and one night stand studies before the D day.
Those Tapri(s) where we got the bliss after an overnight session of Counter-strike .
Those "Bars" n "Dhabas" where we realised the meaning of "true friendship".
Those readymade formulae on the back of my admit card.
Those Submission of readymade answersheets during unit tests.
My departments unique teachers and their mimicries by my batchies.
Those cricket matches in the mess where rather than watching the TV , slangs n swearing made no less than a fish market.
Those nude shows and modelling in the bathroom.
Those gully cricket matches inside the hostel.
But the most important I m gonna miss ma dear Megan Fox- ma pillow.
Megan Fox have been with me thick and thin for the last 4 years.I have been sleeping with her and she is responsible for all my brainy ideas.She is very loyal to me and I am more than ever loyal to her.I never washed her nor allowed anyone to wash her.I use to give that "Sreesanth look" whenever someone tried to sleep with her. But things soon gonna change becoz I have to leave her as those rotten cotton inside the brownish reddish blackish cloth signified the "over-used period" and secondly my hostel life is coming to its end.

fig (ii) Real Megan Fox
(the picture is intentionally edited by the author to hide its true colour.)
(the picture is intentionally edited by the author to hide its true colour.)
Why "Megan Fox" is so much special to me:
She acted as my thinking cap.
She supported me during those late ethanol-induced nights.
She acted as my shield sometimes!!!
She lap-danced during those movie sessions.
Shez been a part of ma many ADVENTURous trip.
Most importantly I liked the way she seduced me to sleep.
Now situations move as per the tick-tocki.Lemme enjoy my last few days with my beautiful Megan Fox.Time to sleep guyz.Good night.
Hope I get an even better Megan Fox in Pune!!!!