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The article you are looking at may not be work safe! ...Although, since you're already here it's kind of too late for this warning to actually be useful. |
While pondering over in the depressurisation chamber(potti) my mind strucked upon with this “noble” idea of why do girls (n some boys too) love to wear lipstick.Inquisitiveness know no boundaries.To find the answer I called up my ex-girl-friends and asked them blindly about the issue.Answers ranged from “confidence booster” to “better communication” to unexpected “supernatural power enhancer(??)” .How true!!!
Still disappointed with the responses I took the help of this Google guy and myself did some tit-bit research.
From some reliable source I came to know that lipstick factory originated in some place called “Bermuda Triangle” and experts say that these factories are still secretly carrying out their illegal production.I called up the FBI guys and asked them about their future operation to flush out the "mass-destruction factories".Blatantly they admitted that “the issue” is being handled by Condoleezza Rice(link) and they aren’t expecting much in future.Well Condoleezza Rice number has changed n I couldn’t call her up.Newayz m trying my best to beat it.Recently this Speilberg guy called me up to give him every information I get because his future movie is based on this lipstick issue/menace.Watch out the year’s biggest blockbluster….
Wikipedia says that Miss Egypt Cleopatra did a great research on this enigmatic paint and finally came up with the fomulae of making lipstick from crushed beetles and ants.But legends consider Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi to be the father of modern lipstick.He still is worshipped by many female sapiens all over the world.Recently the people of Egypt revolted against their leader Hosni Mubarak because he tried to make lipstick compulsary for every Egpytian.Poor Hosni!!
This innocent looking paint never run out of controversies.Recent studies disclosed that 1/3 rd of lipstick contains more than 0.1 ppm(limit) of lead which apart from causing “lip cancer” to female sapiens adversely affect the biological cycle of male sapiens too.How true!!Moreover reports were there that lipstick contains pig-fat as the major proportion.
Hence each government is taking stringent measure to curb this illegal mass-destruction product.Red ones are considered highly dangerous to male species they suffer from the urge to perform random acts of libido release after being inflicted visually.
Human rights organisation and anti-lipstick campaigners are rallying out daily to stop the lipstick menace.Pigs too are on their hunger-strike.PETA campaigners are leaving no stones unturned in their social effort.
Stills from one of the million rally against
Even the Indian government came up with the campaign ”Jaago Grahak Jaago” to curb lipstick autocraties.Way to go Sonia Gandhi… wishes to U.
NB:If you are die hard anti-lipstick campaigner please feel free to contact me.