"Kirfkirt dude do something to save us ; therez hardly 1411 of us left".
So herez 10 dklogy ways of increasing the population of tigers:
(wht Aam Aadmi can do)
1.PLz don't eat tigers anymore."Jo ho gaye so ho gaya".
2.Watch National Geography , Discovery ,Animal Planet n blah blah n be inspired.
3.Paint ur cat n make it look like a tiger.U just increased them to 1412.....
4.Tigers are harmless.Try to make friendship with them(seriously!!)
5.Flawlessly morph ur picture with a tiger n proudly hang it in ur room.People will be inspired.
6.Buy a tiger costume ; wear it wherever u go(atleast for a week).
7.Go to public toilets , canteens , hospitals ,train platforms etc n etc ; paste ur handmade poster of "save the tigers".Ahhh don't forget to write ur name over it along wit ur contact no.
8.If u have nothing to talk with ur gf/bf start conversing about saving the tiger.Therez nothing more romantic than that....believe me!!!
9.Indiaz population increasing rate is alarmingly high.I wonder why Indian tigers don't think like Indian junta.Itz time the tigers should stop taking birth control measures!!!!Aam aadmi can help them out.
10. Go to http://www.saveourtigers.com/n support them.