Ok everyone loves drinking whether it be water,a cough syrup,tea or beer.Well people drink water becoz they don't have any allergy to water,they drink tea because it contain so called anti-ageing agents ,they drink cough syrup because itz sweet n most importantly people (love to) drink BEER because it gives them those supermanz supernatural powers.
Drinking habit ain't gender biased nor aged-biased.But itz certainly a situation biased.U feel happy-u drink;u feel sad-u drink;u feel nothing-u drink too.
From my surveys I found out that beer fans can be sorted out in the following descending order of species:
Committedpeople>Profesionals>Happy single dude>nursery babies.
Every single person got reasons to drink/offer beer but the most important of all is being happily operated by ugly aunts to get laid with handsome dude like us;some drink to puke while some drink to realise the importance of his/her life.
Why I love to drink BEER can be summarized from the few astonishing facts given below:
1.PLAY like a PRO:
After three 650 ml of Kingfisher strong(8% w/w alcohol),u actually become a true pro.
Beer+counterstrike=pro gamer.
Once I was able to mag down 5 opponents in a single shot after being flamed by these noobs.
Poor fellas didn't knew I was high.From reliable sources I came to know that WALLE(a pro gamer)) use to gulp 3 mugs of beer before playing any international matches.
2.Watch "Kyunki saas bhi kabhi bahu thi" without aspirin.
Peer pressure made me to watch "Kyunki saas bhi kabhi bahu
thi " once.I was so much pissed off by that cosmetic covered faces that
I vowed to marry only that girl who hates Ekta Kapoor

3. Do anything at 90kmph +

"When you r high u like to fly"-Dklogy V-3.f.
Advice:Don't try this at home.Instead try on busy crowded national highwayz and meet the most unexpected tragedy in ur life.
Someone truly said "If you haven't drived at 90+ in ur life you are missing something, and if you haven't drived at 90+ in an intoxicated state you will go to Hell" .How true!!
4.Walk to remember.
I alwayz loved "walk to remember".Becoz that Shane West guy resembled me and secondly that Mandy Moore gal resembled ma ex-Gf...Shit the whole story is a copy-cat of our romantic story.Sue you Nicholas Sparks.Whatever ....when I get high I open up this "walk to remember" on the VLC player and get very emotional.
My father told me once "Boys don't cry".I follow his advice.....
I am a to be chemical engineer guys.I have goals and ambitions too just like u people do.
I love studying.Yeh Seriously I love studying after getting high.It feels awesome.Recent surveys found out that most of engineering guys around the world pass their exams because they can remember the formulas better in post-drunken state.
Perry is God so are his books.I love Perry.Do anyone have any idea whtz written on the second page of the above book after preface??Shit I am such a slow learner......
5.Write blogs about the importance of BEER:
Where is ma laptop screen??
Where ae the lette. ????
Shit am I high??...Why everything is so blurry out here??Hic*....fck.
ha ha ha..thts totally hilarious! frm where do u get these ideas man! n tht kyunki.. thing is so funny, i ws laughin my guts out at tht. n hey! wo! tht guy on the bike- he is so.. so.. so..COOL(well, sadly this is a social site)!
funnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Hilarious
sorry to break ur heart.. but i hate beer.. am a proper alcohol guy..
i dunno abt the first 2.. but i'll tell an idea to enhance the third.. listen to highway to hell by ac/dc wen u r goin on 90 n high.. shane west resembles u.. hmmm.. accepted..
Hey thankz every1 for supporting "BEER".
A free bumper of No 1 to Vishnu from ma side.Cheerz.
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